New base station rig
Post date: Mar 10, 2016 11:43:07 PM
Thanks to a contribution from the US National Library of Medicine, as part of our collaborative efforts for the Bethesda Hospitals' Emergency Preparedness Partnership, brand new base station equipment is now available at the Club facility. The new rig is an ICOM IC-7600 HF/50Mhz All-mode Transceiver (see specs at and a matching IC-PW1 Linear Amplifier (see specs at The equipment is to be used primarily for emergency communications activities by the Club, but it available for other activities on the premises that can provide Club members the training needed for emergency communications, such as radio contesting, emergency communications drills, and digital modes experimentation, among others. The equipment as has been configured and successfully tested. Presentations about the proper way to use and configure the rig for different communications modalities will be offered during Club meetings in the future (to be announced). Members are also welcome to use the equipment immediately before and after Club meetings. Club members who would like to use the new equipment at other times, please contact the club officers via the email address. ICOM IC-PW1 Linear Amplifier out of the box.
ICOM IC-7600 being tested by WA3LTJ.